Our Partners and Resources

South Suburban College [ssc.edu]
Prairie State College [prairiestate.edu]
City Colleges of Chicago can be found by clicking on [ccc.edu] a list of City Colleges within Chicago are below...
- - Malcom X College
- - Harold Washington College
- - Harry S. Truman College
- - Kennedy King College
- - Wilbur Wright College
- - Richard J. Daley's College
- - College of Lake County
- - Olive Harvey College

CEDI & Church of Abundant Life Center link [cedi.faith]
Healing Waters Counseling Center [healingwaters1.com]
JFY Consulting [jfyconsulting.com]
Harvey Brooks Foundation [hbfjoliet1998.org]
Link & Option Center [link-option.com]
National Domestic Violence Hotline [thehotline.org]
Tolton Adult Education Center [tlcchicago.org]

Davis Staffing [davis-staffing.com]
Blue Fox Cleaning Service [bluefoxcleaningservice.com]
Reliable United Transportation [reliableunitedtrans.com]
M &M Staffing Agency [mmstaffingagency.com]
Aerotek [aerotek.com]
Integrity Staffing Solutions

Bloom Township Food Pantry
Tinley Park Food Pantry
Respond Now Sauk Village Food Pantry
Marillac House Food Pantry
Irving Park Community Food Pantry and more can be found by clicking on [chicagofoodbank.org]
To find the food Pantry nearest you, Just click on Find Food and type in your lactation information to be guided to a pantry of your convenience.

Lincoln Park Community Services [lpcsonline.org]
Pacific Garden Mission [pgm.org]
The Boulevard [blvd.org]
Cornerstone Community Outreach [ccolife.org]
You Can Make It Inc. [youcanmakeitinc.net]
And many more Shelters in Chicago and surrounding areas under [homelessshelterdirectory.org]

Our advocates are available 24/7 at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) in more than 200 languages. All calls are free and confidential.